Thursday, June 19, 2014

" I thought you got hired at MGM Grand! Why are you leaving? When is your last day?"

I am working at MGM, however, it's been through a temp agency. Yes, I did apply for the position I have been working for the past two months. Yes, they did encourage me to apply for it and told me how much they liked me. Yes, I got my hopes up and did my happy dance. Yes, I did tell everyone about it and created excitement. But, they pulled the rug under my feet and chose another person. And yes, I am a little salty about it. It's one of my many motivating factors for moving...

Today is my last day here. And boy will I miss this place. I will miss the free employee buffet the most!! Come to think of it... its the only thing I will miss! Not to say I didn't like being here. It's just the free amazing food was my joy in life! Today I will get my dream meal: Fresh made waffles topped with bacon, pecans, bananas, and hot syrup. Oh and a piping hot cup of coffee... I'm on top of the world!!

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