Thursday, June 26, 2014

"How was your first day?"

If I had to decide whether I was staying here based on my first day, I would never come back to Vegas.... My first day was AMAZING. I love love love Portland! People were friendly and weird and random! People were holding signs to help the homeless. Not to get money or food or housing for them. But, to encourage people to speak to them. People were actually spending their free time to encourage people to say Hi to homeless people.....The food was phenomenal!! Every cup of coffee was great!... You can have a BEER in the MOVIE THEATER! They sell it right there in the concession area. I was enjoying a Hefe while watching X-Men. Yes, there are theaters in Vegas that let you do that but they are hard to find!... The rain was refreshing! The air is so clean and pure... Plastic bags are banned here. And you rarely see any trash or litter ANYWHERE!